First, prepare all materials needed especially paper.
Then, cut the newspaper into pieces. try to make a hard pieces and not easily tear out just like this.
Then, arrange some of paper to form a rectangle (or circle) at the centre.
Then, take a box of rectangular shape at put at the centre or a cylinder for circle shape. Then fold the paper according to the box or cylinder.
Later, take the rest pieces of paper and weave along the upright paper. Make and weave it nice
This is the product...............
This is the simplest way to make a paper basket.
1. Prepare the material needed.
2. Then, roll the paper into a smaller size. This can provide a harder pieces of paper.
3. Then by using the same way as the first way, create your own basket. Arrange the paper to form a shape at the centre
4. Then, take a thing with the same shape and put at the centre
5. Later, take another piece of paper and weave it nicely.
You may create your own craft.

This is some video of weave paper basket. This videos shows a more details way.